We need the capability to export to Excel the “Ship Notification” field as part of the general export. We need to know – Sent/Not Sent/Failed
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Need access to the Customer Engagement raw data that goes towards creating the Customer Engagement Graph on the Customer Engagement Insights page. Want to further analyze this data internally to try to improve our numbers, but impossible to do so without the raw data export. See below for specific graph I am referencing.
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It would be very helpful to have a daily, weekly, monthly report on Orders that are assigned to certain team members. Shipment Count by User only gives information on who actually fulfilled the order, not who the order was assigned to.
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I do not like the new V3 that does not allow me view my shipments from selecting only the last month. This is how I would bill my customers. Now i only have either the last 30 days is the closest. However, for example today i can not bill for only the month of November. Please fix this issue so I can bill my cusomers monthly as usual.
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