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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Planned
The ability to take advantage of USPS Merchandise Return Service and have an option to print a return label with every shipment or selected shipments and not have to pay for the postage unless the customer uses it. I believe this is available through API only and there may be a form you have to submit to USPS:
First-timer (legacy)
Hi @Matt, Thanks for checking in, we’re still interested in this idea. It isn’t on our immediate roadmap but it’s one we’d like to keep open for now.
First-timer (legacy)
When will pay on use return labels be activated for USPS? I've been told my Endicia that their pay on use product for USPS does NOT work on ShipStation.
First-timer (legacy)
USPS is changing their return labels and we just got our account completed and without any charges or fees. How can we incorporate the API to do a return label on demand so that we only get charged when they use the label.
First-timer (legacy)
Could you please incorporate pay on use usps return labels into shipstation? which is owned by just like Shipstation has this service
First-timer (legacy)
Hello, when this will be implemented ? I see this post is from Jan 2015. We have Jan 2019 now and the status remains as started. Please implement this ASAP. We need to have the ability to automatically email shipping labels. My business model sells programming services. The customer has to ship the item to me 1st and I ship it back after programming. I need to have an automatic emailing of shipping label at the time of purchase. Doing it manually is an unnecessary waste of time. Thank you.
First-timer (legacy)
Is there any update in terms of development timing and release of this feature. Its critical to my business, and impedes our ability to choose Shipstation as a vendor
Not having the ability to pay on use is literally money thrown out the window to USPS. This needs to be escalated to a higher priority and put on your roadmap. Paying for postage that no one uses is a terrible waste of funds. As USPS continues to increase their rates, the more this is costing us as well.
New Contributor
Since Endicia was bought from it should as least be possible to have this feature rolled out for all customers!?
New Contributor
In fact allowed this, when can it be integrated:
First-timer (legacy)
It is insane that Shipstation cannot allow me to create a return without paying for a label. Sure, I can make a fake label and put a bunch of junk data into my system, but who wants to do that? This seems like a fairly basic thing. Customer pays their own shipping and a product shows do I return it? With Shipstation I must pay for an extra label that never gets shipped. Really? THAT is your solution? Why not simply allow a return without creating a label?