ShipStation API support is saying the Custom Stores CAN send partial shipment info, but it currently is not. Please see that attached screenshot, this is a capture of the URL variables that we are currently receiving to our XML page, from the ShipNotify URL POST. You will see that there are no variables for items being passed back to us. Is there anyone you can elevate this ticket to, who can provide me with information or documentation on what needs to happen, to get these variables passed back? I feel like we are going in circles here and not getting anywhere. I must clarify: We are NOT using the full REST API for custom store. We are ONLY using the xml page to expose our orders and to have ShipStation POST the ShipNotify action to. In my original request, I asked if dealing with partially shipped orders was possible this way, or if we needed to use the REST API to receive more of the ShipNotify definitions (related to individual items in each shipment). Thanks, Sean
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