This section of the community is specifically designed to help us address migration concerns and issues. The feedback collected here is discussed internally on a weekly basis to help us organize and prioritize fixes as we address things. This section is specifically for actionable migration/new layout feedback at this time. Anything that is not currently actionable will be moved to a more appropriate section of the community and you will be notified.
- No comments with the end goal to revert to the Legacy format.
- We ask that feedback be constructive, and non combative. This will allow us to better understand your issues and open a dialogue as needed.
- Respect all moderators and all answers/statuses that are provided.
- Idea titles or post content may be edited for issue clarity.
- Each specific issue should be laid out in its own Idea instead of putting multiple concerns in one post.
Upon first violation of these rules, a warning will be given. After the first warning, any violation of the above rules or our community guidelines and code of conduct will result in an immediate two week read only suspension to the community.
Status Definitions
This board contains different statuses than the ideas board and they are directly synced up to represent our internal statuses to help you follow along with the progress.
New: this is the default status for all new ideas in this section.
Investigating: The idea is being discussed and initial testing is being done.
In Progress: Work related to this idea has been started or is still in progress.
Review: The solution for this idea is undergoing review and testing before it can be implemented.
Resolved : This Idea has been addressed and a solution has been put into production.