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Combine SKUs on packing slip

Occasional Contributor

Has anyone found a way to combine like SKUs on a packing slip? For instance, we have a bundle app and when someone purchases that bundle it breaks it down into it's combined SKUs. So if someone buys that bundle and also buys an item separately from that bundle but it has a matching SKU, it will come out as two separate line items instead of combing them. Is this maybe possible to achieve by customizing the HTML code for the packing slip, or is that too complicated for ShipStations template to handle?



Hello @Daylon!



Thank you for your post in the community! I found our Help Center article detailing how to access product bundles. Currently, this feature is available for the Gold plan or higher. If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out to 


Happy Shipping and New Year!



Occasional Contributor

So the combination of duplicate SKUs when using ShipStation Bundles only works for Pick Lists and not for Packing Slips, which is what I was referring to in the original post. We use Packing Slips for our operation as they are customizable through HTML and Pick Lists are not. Would be great to have the option to check a box to "combine duplicate SKUs" for Packing Slips. 


Hello @Daylon!


Thank you for clarifying your preferences regarding how bundles are displayed. We’ve shared your feedback and request with the development team for their review. If this feature is implemented in the future, we’ll be sure to update the community.


Happy Shipping!

