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We really need scalable pop up screens

Occasional Contributor

I cant stand the new order pop-out screen. Too much scrolling to get things done. Cant it be made scalable?



Hello @LiftingLarge


Thanks for reaching out and for being a part of our community. 


I have been in touch with our team who was working on this feature and we have a few questions for you as we look into this.


Are you able to clarify about what you are seeing in your view that is causing the additional scrolling, as we were unable to replicate this on our end. Also when you mention being scalable are you just referencing the ability to change the size of the window? 



-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 


Occasional Contributor

Does anyone know how to resize the ShipStation Connect window? When I move my mouse over the edges, there are no arrows to adjust the size. Also, I can’t minimize it since that option is greyed out. The window is huge for something that doesn’t require much interaction—any tips?