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Automating what box to use depending on quantity.

New Contributor


Is there a way to automatize what box I will use depending on the quantity of the same item in the order?

I found a way with automated rules, but it takes 4 or 5 rules per item, and I have around 80 items.

Also, I would like to get track of different types of boxes so that when I use one, I have a track of how many boxes I have left. Is that possible?




Hey there @samv


I'd like to confirm that currently ShipStation does not have any sort of packaging inventory system. I definitely see why this would be desired though! 


For the which box automation, it can be difficult to say specifically without knowing your setup. If you provide those rules you are using, perhaps myself or another community member will be able to help find you a short cut. 


Hope to hear back from you! 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!


Hey @samv , checkout  It's a ShipStation integration that does that. 

I will give it a try


>Is there a way to automatize what box I will use depending on the quantity of the same item in the order?

>I found a way with automated rules, but it takes 4 or 5 rules per item, and I have around 80 items.

If the items are the same or close in weight you can use this .

>Also, I would like to get track of different types of boxes so that when I use one, I have a track of how many boxes I have left. Is that possible?

Export your orders as csv and calculate the instances of each box from either the dimensions in the export or, if you are applying box sizes via automation, specific tags for each box size.