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Activity in Ideas

Ship From Location Information

Currently ShipStation sends tracking back to my ERP and is populated into the order log. I would like to be able to see where the shipping warehouse location is from in this order log. Currently I have two warehouse locations and it would be very hel...

Screenshot 2025-01-09 110249.png
cray by New Contributor
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Insights Shipped Orders Data

If you're going to label a # on the Insights Overview page as a Shipped Orders #, then please report how many orders actually shipped during the designated timeframe. I don't want to know how many orders have an order date within my designated timefr...

Reship Category in Advanced Search

With the new Reship feature (which is great) there needs to be a way to quickly filter our Reshipped shipments in the Shipments dashboard, like there is for Returns, in the Advanced Search bar. Before we used to track these by filtering shipments wit...

Inventory Sync for Bluepark

Hi Shipstation, We currently have two BluePark sites, Amazon, eBay and OnBuy marketplaces... It made me so happy to see the inventory sync being finally added, but so disappointed to see that it had not been developed for Bluepark! We currently use O...

Separate carrier account settings.

We have 3 different UPS accounts, each with specific services discounted.For example:UPS Account 1 has discounted rates for UPS Ground.UPS Account 2 has discounted rates for UPS 2nd Day Air.UPS Account 3 has discounted rates for International.In Ship...

mur by New Contributor
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Additional Payment Methods Needed

It would be really helpful to have the ability to pay with methods other than credit card for our shipments. During our peak season we have to pay off our credit card bill multiple times in billing cycle in order to continue to feed Shipstation funds...

Report with shipping costs AND destination city

Hello,We're in Canada and shipping costs can vary wildly depending on whether we are shipping to a large city VS a more rural area. Due to a postal strike in our country, we're using UPS as our carrier, which means that shipping costs skyrocket if we...

Show new orders on the Stores page.

This actually created issues for me the first week using the app, which led to me missing two orders through Amazon. There is currently no indication when refreshing stores that an order has come in. I assumed that there would be some kind of visible...

FOAMFORGE by New Contributor
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Ability to migrate settings from one account to another.

We connect to ShipStation for our live ecommerce shipping support. We also have a development instance of ShipStation that we use for testing new features, etc. It is very difficult to keep up with out ecommerce team as they make changes in the live ...

kschmitt by First-timer
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Selling Channels Notification Flexibility

Hello,We currently have our Selling Channel notification set to: Number of hour(s) elapsed after label creation (24hrs) which works great for Mon to Thurs. However, on Friday the automation will mark it as shipped on Saturday but USPS won't scan it i...

amazon7 by New Contributor
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Enable all An Post services

We've recently started working with An Post in the Republic Of Ireland. The current Carrier Integration accepts settings for all of their available services, but only two services are actually available to select from (as shown in the screenshots). W...

Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 10.33.02.png Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 10.33.12.png
JAQGroup by First-timer
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Packing Slip Download File Name

A week or so ago, the file name of the packing slip download changed from "Packing Slips" to a long strong of random numbers, similar to that of other downloaded files. It has now become real problem to determine the actual packing slip file that I n...

Austinite by Occasional Contributor
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Multi Package on multiple orders.

Hi There. Our business unfortunately can't use shipstaion without being able to have multiple packages available for multiple orders. I would say that this is pretty basic. If I have 50 orders that require 2 boxes (packages), I would have to manually...

AABaits by First-timer
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