It would be really helpful to have the ability to pay with methods other than credit card for our shipments. During our peak season we have to pay off our credit card bill multiple times in billing cycle in order to continue to feed Shipstation funds. It would be much cleaner for bookkeeping if we could either send a large check or do an ACH transfer in advance of our peak season.
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We import orders from QBs into a store called Manual. These orders are scheduled in one of three locations to be produced and will ship from those locations. It is not practical to specify in ShipStation what order will ship from which location so it would be nice if each location could just have a different user and the ability to set their own Ship From Address. As it is now, if one user changes the default, it changes for all. Thanks.
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Please offer the auto-split shipments as an add-on. For smaller businesses with lower volume it just doesn't make sense to switch to the 'High Volume' plan. Offering it as a reasonably priced monthly add-on is much more enticing and would make it an easy sell for those of us who are too small at the moment to want to switch to higher tier plans.
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It will be SAFER for us to have a Secure Account, which our information is our own secret for the safety of the customers and the business itself.
I believe Shipstation, like other businesses, might need some third-party verification features for loggin in process. A Two-Step Verification should be great for preventing unwanted login and threats attacking our accoutns. A notification of any logins toward the account owner is helpful to determine whether the account is getting any illegal access.
Following that, it is necessary for the account owner to know whether I got any unwanted visits. Hence, I also want to suggest an IP-checker to view the IPs and the location of all access.
How do you guys think about it?
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I feel it would be very useful if we could have the option to require our staff to have to scan to verify each order without the option to bypass it and just go to the orders page. Maybe there could be a setting that would require them to scan each order but still have access to the order screen but would not be able to fill and order from that screen. Allow them to reprint labels if needed. They get lazy and don't want to scan so they'll bypass the scan to verify process
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Literally, I login from the same IP addresses every day (home and work), yet everyday, I get to go through the same Google Captcha questions - selecting mountains, or stop lights or fire hydrants. Can you guys upgrade to the invisible Captcha? Or could you disable it when the IP address is recognized for an account? That would really be great. It's so unfortunate, but this platform has consistently become slow, more clunky and more unusable... and we're stuck with it 😭
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Please add the ability to copy automation rules just like packing slips can be copied.
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We have multiple accounts setup and each is specific a store. We assign the account via automation but if a user needs to edit Service (or edit service in a batch), the list is not just listing generic services. It lists the services by account, making it possible for a user to pick the right service under the wrong account and use an account that is not authorized for that store. We'd like to see the option to assign account permissions by store so that within a store users can only pick from authorized accounts and avoid unauthorized use penalties.
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Currently the ShipStation API will only return label data when the label is created (POST /shipments/createlabel). It would be very useful for us to be able to pull the label data through the list shipments endpoint (GET /shipments). As this will increase the amount of data returned by the API, adding a parameter similar to includeShipmentItems would make the labelData field optional. Additionally, it would be important to get label data for multiple orders at the same time to reduce the number of API calls we would need to use. In our use case we search for shipments between a specific shipDateStart and shipDateEnd.
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We have a warehouse in USA and UK, we want to use one log in to manage both sites but when it comes to add new couriers like Royal Mail they are not available in the list. How do we work this one through ?
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Under Review
Submitted on
12:44 AM
Submitted by
12:44 AM
We need the ability to manipulate rates or show no rates for each user. Both UPS and FedEx have this feature in CampusShip and ShipAdmin. We have many users and / or third party vendors that use our accounts and we charge them additionally or public rates when using our UPS/FedEx account. We need to be able add handling charges as a percentage or fixed amounts on top of base shipping charges. For some users, we’d like to hide the rates completely. This is common practice in shipping industry and we’re surprised you don’t have that configuration option available.
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When this account was made, I did not realize you couldn't change your displayed username later on (which is an option available in almost every forum I've used... except this one). As these are usually company accounts that may change hands, please give options to change forum screennames as some of us are uncomfortable having bits of personal information displayed on a public website.
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I think it would be useful to have text based notifications for server down and server back on line for critical updates, texting is much faster way to communicate. I found the server down today which is not usual and cannot print out my orders because I cannot login. I was told I would be emailed but I would prefer faster notifications and I think most businesses would agree this is a critical timing issue for shipments.
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The popup notifications (ex: "Purchasing Label From Carrier", error messages, etc) block you from clicking the print button or copying the tracking number in the right corner of the shipment window until they go away. Can they notifications been moved to the bottom right corner instead of the top? I know this sounds petty but waiting for 2 or 3 notifications to complete slows down my workflow!
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As security is key these days and 2 Factor Authentication is now in demand and is basically standard for most apps and platforms we would very much like to see ShipStation implement this so it can either have 2 factor by SMS text option or authentication App such as Twilio Authy. Hoping to see this soon 🙂
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No status
Submitted on
04:08 PM
Submitted by
04:08 PM
Suggestion for dev team... dark mode would not only be (subjectively) aesthetically pleasing, but would also help in reducing eyestrain. I'm not sure how feasible this is, but thought I'd put it out there. This is for the website by the way.
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I'd like to be able to edit/change user names for people on my account, including myself. We've had ShipStation for many years but are re-branding our company and would like to update user names to reflect the new email addresses that we use for log-ins. My master account included. No functionality to do this, so stuck using outdated names.
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Our team would like to display only the recipient's first name in our email template. Currently, the HTML option provides only the first and last name and this is not in alignment with our company's general aesthetic. I reached out for chat support and this option is not available at this time. We hope this is something that can be offered in the future. Thank you!
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I think there should be an option in the user permissions to only access a specific stores' reporting data instead of all the stores attached to Shipstation.
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Shipstation is about to lose me as a customer because we stopped letting our employees see the $ value of the shipments and their attitude completely improved. We need them to be able to split orders but there is not way to do this without giving them access to order amount. If this can't be resolved, we'll likely have to change tools. It is quite a simple request and think it should be SUPER obvious to have this available.
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