The ShipStation Order Filters could be useful if it was possible to at
least create a filter that flagged: Buyer Name does not equal Recipient
Name However whilst SS offers both fields, they don't allow them to be
checked against one another. Whilst ...
Another benefit for us would be when shipping a kit internationally.
Custom Forms ask for the quantity being shipped and unit value. This
means we need to manually adjust each international order that includes
a kit, to break it down to it's componen...
There are many sellers that offer kits or bundles, which are compromised
of a number of individual SKUs. It would be very helpful if ShipStation
could recognize such a kit on import, then break it down to its
individual components so that the warehou...
Would like to be able to add a custom shipping method, for example
Customer Pick Up, or Pallet Delivery. Sometimes we also ship to a
marketplace with shipping labels provided by the marketplace, however
we'd still like to process the order through Sh...