Yes, we find that shipments are stuck more often than you would think.
Typically it has something to do with our warehouse. I would say
probably 2-4% aren't scanned into our carrier when picked up, so they
will show "pending" or "info sent to FedEx" ...
This is a great idea. I would add to this another field that shows
shipment status - printed label, info sent to FedEx, in transit, out for
delivery, delivered, delivery exception.
There is some crossover from the folders "Recent" & "In Transit". The
"in transit" status is not comprehensive enough (it shows items that are
not actually in transit - just label info sent to FedEx) & it does not
pass through to our custom store int...
It would be ideal to be able to go to the shipments tab and see the
information that currently appears when you mouse over the icon next to
the tracking number "Delivery Status Unknown", "Arrived at FedEx
location", "On vehicle for delivery", "delive...