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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Investigating
Would love to see a report for sales tax paid by shipped to state.
First-timer (legacy)
There really does need to be a report that gives the total inventory by the actual costs of the layers. It appears to be tracked, so there's no reason for it not to be an available option
First-timer (legacy)
I would e-commerce gets more's imperative to accurately cost your product to set pricing
Occasional Contributor
It would be great to have a system that warned us of delayed, non-moving, or late shipments. Something that could warn us the moment a shipment experiences a delay or misses its delivery date.
New Contributor
An option to create a report that could be run daily/weekly that shows delivery status of packages would be very helpful. If there is a way to do this now we haven't been able to find it.
First-timer (legacy)
If SS factored in the standard USPS / UPS / Fedex zones and transit times by zip code and allowed these to be used as criteria in the automation rules, it would save my team 100's of hours. IE - if USPS PM is 3 day transit time, choose FC instead || if USPS PM is 2 day transit time, choose PM or if UPS zone 4-6 choose 3-day, if zones 1-3 choose ground The only other option is to create a huge number of rules based on 5K different zips codes AND carrier AND service options, which i don't think SS can even support and is not realistic. This would allow me to automate carrier/service selection and review carrier OTD so I can 1) proactively reach out to the customer to address the delay, 2) easily compile and submit guaranteed service claims to the carrier, and 3) review OTD metrics by carrier for QBRs and decision making.
First-timer (legacy)
I would like to see an Activity Log Report by User. Currently, to see the full spectrum of what a user has been doing in ShipStation, I have to go to User Management - Edit - Activity and continuously scroll and "Load More", but that only shows me some data. To see more, I would have to go to the Order's screen and search Activity under each individual order. I would like for all activity by a User to be available to me in a Report for accountability purposes with time stamps.
First-timer (legacy)
This would be super helpful for us... We rely on a third party distro who has had some "missed shipments" but printed labels. Being able to generate a report where we could see labels printed with no additional scans and either export it, or allow an API integration for us to automate a notification system would be tremendous.
First-timer (legacy)
I don't need a fancy inventory system, what Ship Station provides is almost what I need. However, if I can't pull a month end inventory report, there is no point. Not having this capability essentially requires that I bring in more software just to be able to get a month end inventory report? That's ridiculous. A simple reporting enhancement that should have been included in the initial development solves a ton of issues for those of us that just want to use SS to manage our inventory.
Occasional Contributor
We had to develop our own solution to this since there doesn't seem to be a good solution available. It uses the ShipStation API and the various carriers' APIs (UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc). Basically, we have a script that runs on a cron job once a day to load all new ShipStation shipments into a database. Then a different script that runs via cron once per minute, each minute pulling one tracking number that is still in transit, and checking the carrier API for its status. If it's in transit and on time, it marks it to check it again the next day. If it was delivered on time, it marks it to not need to check it again (and purge it from the database after a period of time). If there's an exception, or it's late, or it hasn't been scanned in at all, it emails somebody so they can handle it. This method insures we don't hit the fairly low ShipStation API call limit, since we have other things running on the ShipStation API. A simpler solution for low shipment volume would be to have just one script that pulls ShipStation shipments and check the carrier API in one step. The hardest part is that the USPS API doesn't return a good exception code to use. USPS just returns the notes for each tracking event. So you have to build a large list of potential status notes, and I've found they can change based on what the individual postal employee enters. UPS, on the other hand, returns a single-character status code. So you only have to check for "X" for an exception, for example. Much better. I don't think it would be hard for ShipStation to implement something like this, and it would certainly be a very positive feature to have.
First-timer (legacy)
This would be a great feature for ShipStation users. We just recently got contacted by a company who offers this as a service for certain carrier's customers. They track all of your shipments and automatically apply for refunds when applicable. This way shippers can collect refunds on ALL late shipments, and not just the ones that our customers notify us of. Even something as simple as a late shipment report would be incredibly useful, but automated refunds would be amazing.