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So, before the new layout was forced on me, I never had any issues importing orders from a CSV file. Now, when I do, it may give me some error messages about duplicate fields (I am never sure if I only have one name, whether it wants me to add it as the "buyer name" or "recipient name". That is one thing I would love to know here is, if you only have one person's information, which option should you choose during import? There are options for phone/email/name, where the same person could be both the buyer and recipient. I would love for SS to allow me to add the same info for both without giving me duplication errors. Sorry no screen grab for that, but it's just one of those internal errors that you get prior to the CSV uploading. It won't even attempt if you have the same information in two different fields. I wonder though if that is the reason for why I actually came here. And that is....


I have ran into multiple instances where I do not get an initial error message about duplicate fields with the same name/phone/email, due to removing the name from one of the two fields, using some trial and error. Again, it is really annoying that I cannot just use the same name for both fields (buyer/recipient) as they are often the same person. However, if I can get past those error message, it goes to the next screen with that little window that opens in the top right, showing a loading bar as if the import is working. But, then it just loads and loads and loads, but the import never finishes. I have walked away for 20-30min at a time to see if it will eventually work. I have to close out the loading window, and re-attempt the import by trying different combinations of what selections I make during the import process (using the drop down tabs to map the name/address/order number/etc, based on the header I am using in my spreadsheet). Attached is a screen grab from an example of what my spreadsheet may look like. 


In any event, I never had this issue prior to the new layout becoming my only option. Now, I have had all kinds of other bugs/issues as well. I really miss the old layout to be honest. It is very frustrating to have to try and try to get a batch of orders to import, and not be given any reason by the app as to why the import is not working. Obviously, you get error messages SOMEtimes. But when the loading window just sits there forever and I have no idea why they are not importing, it takes way too much time to brute force the app to accept some combination of fields. 

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