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Bundle Product Import

New Contributor

I was so happy to find that they finally added a feature to do a bundle product import! So nice. But there is one big part that is still missing. 
I had about 150 skus that needed bundling so this was a big project.

I started by importing all the skus in the general product import, child skus and bundle skus so that they were all in the system. There is a field for "is this returnable" but nothing that SHOULD be there, like "is this a bundle sku". That could be a true or false field. 

Then I added all the child items and bundle skus with bundle nae and quantity. It imported beautifully, BUT I still need to go into each bundle sku and toggle to say, "this is a bundled product". So this is nice but still makes a big clicking job for me.
I called support and they said it's not an option, and I should post here.  
Shipstation, this is a big improvement, but please save me a couple hours of work and frustration by putting this as a field one of the imports. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@mcaliber definitely heard! I also saw your support ticket and we linked that up to a work item to fix this. No dates to provide yet. Sorry for the extra 150+ clicks!