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Wow! I'm earning badges!!

Occasional Contributor

Isnt that great!  I got a participation badge, just for loggin in!  Ok, maybe after they finish this useless stuff they'll get around to answering our questions and fixing maybe some of the low-hanging fruit, like idk, making the API give you what you asked for instead of a bunch of stuff that's irrelevant and actually wrong.


Hey there @doug4


I'm glad to see you're participating in our lovely community space. 


I totally understand that there are fixes and changes that you want to see come to fruition. Certainly as more updates and improvements roll out, we will provide that news here. Please always feel free to reach out with any ideas concerning your ShipStation experience. 


Happy shipping and congrats on the new badges! 🙂 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

Occasional Contributor

RAD!  I just "ranked up to New Contributor

Occasional Contributor

So far, I've got 4 badges, a couple level ups and 0/4 solutions or answers.  THat's not counting the several unanswered emails I've sent to support@