We often have to change the our packing slip from a 4x6 to 8.5x11
depending on ship from locations (Printing Setup > Document Options >
Packing Slip Format). Then we have to go to each Store Setup
individually to change the packing slip template from...
Integrating UPS Smart Pickup seems like a great way to keep existing
customers from generating UPS labels outside of ShipStation. Why is it
not implemented now? ShipStaion doesn't want to do it or because UPS
won't allow it?
'@Admin, ShipStation Um, thanks but I STILL don't have time to learn
HTML, read through Articles, view FAQ's etc, etc. Now if you would
provide step by step instructions on how to do what I require, I would
appreciate it. Since you acknowledged that ...
'@Admin, ShipStation Is there a way to have the shipping method
"Requested Service" automatically printed on the packing slips? Right
now it says "Ship Date" then it's blank across from it. I want it to say
"Ship" then across from it auto populate wi...
I could not believe how complicated editing a packing slip would be in
ShipStation. I don't understand why this would have to be a feature that
has to be requested. Who has time to learn HTML when we already pay for
ShipStation service...