Same here... Most of them were from August and they all look good via
the GlobalPost tracking, but we've got one that was issued to someone
else on 11/23 and to us on 11/26. The other shippers package was
delivered on 11/27 to a different city, state...
Thanks. We have been contacted directly and on most of these packages,
this link seems to properly track them: - It actually provides pretty nice
tracking results. Any conversations with Amazon...? I'm sure for mos...
I appreciate that; however you are the only person that seems to care.
The only reason I brought these details up here was because I spent over
an hour with ShipStation support first thing this morning and was pretty
much blown off. They told me was ...
Can you take a look at tracking # 9400111108435012172224. This was
created on 11/26 and shipped from Clearwater, FL but has scans starting
on 11/24 from Queens, NY, so it looks like this tracking number was
issued to us and someone else a few days ea...