I have to add that this is incredibly frustrating for us as well. We're
on a monthly billing cycle with our clients, so if they're only one
cycle behind on looking at things and have a problem, we can't see which
employee screwed up. And especially w...
We often need to search through our shipment data, and it would be
vastly helpful if we could search by certain things: SKU, Item Name,
Order Tags, etc. All the advanced search options that are available
under Orders are great, we'd just like the sam...
'@Admin we have been using the customs default settings to always list
one consolidated description at one price, but we have to manually
update the value in many cases. The quickest way to do it en mass is by
using the sidebar plus some muscle memor...
'@Admin We know we can pull the data from product line data, but it's
not helpful. The example is: Let's say we have pencils uniquely
identified by SKU by color. A customer orders a full rainbow. If we set
customs by searching product line data, we g...