When combined orders are exported, the order numbers for the multiple
shipments all export under one order number. This is true for both
Orders exports and Shipments exports.
@Moderator-Davis, Are we sure this is the nature of combining orders and
not a bug? By your own knowledge base description combining orders
"maintains the integrity of each order for accurate record keeping"
Currently the export DOES preserves the un...
How would we combine multiple orders and maintain the integrity of those
orders?Currently order number information in the CSV exports is lost
when orders are combined.Example: 5 orders are combined, when they are
shipped the export CSV shows their or...
@Moderator-Davis He means that combined shipments overwrite pertinent
information such as order number for every item in the shipment. This is
clearly a bug. If for example there is three separate orders shipping to
the same address the export CSV wi...