UPS Simple Rates says up to 50 lbs. on their website and there's no
place to enter a weight when creating a shipment. The labels I print
from ShipStation do show the weight so you may want to contact your
account manager at UPS and ask if you can ent...
I tested it with weights for the same package size and the rates went up
above 30 lbs. This is for a 12x6x6 package, so it would be hard to get
above 30 lbs. in that package, but it does show there's a limit in
weight to the Simple Rates.
It is available on ShipStation - I use it everyday. Here's what you do
to get it to work: First you need to have UPS create you a second
account for the Simple Rates (if you don't already have it). Then add
the second UPS account under Carriers and F...
I have UPS Simple Rates working on ShipStation. UPS tech support and my
account manager were very helpful getting this set up - I previously
opened a ticket with ShipStation but they didn't know how to do it.
You'll need to contact your UPS account m...