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Weight not accepting two decimal places?


We use a Walz Scale that measures and weighs the package. The scale sends the weight in a format that uses two decimal places. The previous shipstation version would convert 3.50lbs to 3lbs 8oz. The new version handles 3.50 OK and also converts it to 3lbs 8oz, but if the scale sends 3.55lbs it can't handle it. It changes that to 35lbs 8oz. The old version would convert 3.55lbs correctly to 3lbs 9oz. We are now having to manually enter our weights. I wish they would fix this as we are now forced to use the newer version.   


Hey there @info644


Thank you for joining us here in the community! 


Our team is currently working on this issue and is actively in our Quality Assurance process. I don't have an exact timeline just yet, but certainly when I have a next update or potential deployment announcement about this feature, I will reach out here so that we are staying on the same page! 



From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

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