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equest shipstation API feature development(ETS Y)

New Contributor

I am an Etsy seller and I encountered a problem when using the Shipstation API. The process is as follows:
Please see below:

I send a Post request:
url = ""
payload = {
"orderId": 491876446,
"carrierCode": "sf-express",
"shipDate": "2024-11-12",
"trackingNumber":"9300120111412091388309 ",
"notifyCustomer": false,
"notifySalesChannel": true
Description: The order number is: 3476386026, (orderId: 491876446, orderNumber: 3476386026) is an order from the etsy channel.
notifySalesChannel is true, requiring the shipstation to notify etsy of the shipment, and the shipstation requests createReceiptShipment in the etsy api. The description of createReceiptShipment is as follows:


 Shipstation API request results:{"orderId":491876446,"orderNumber":"3476386026"}

The shipstation UI shows:



Etsy backend order display:


From the above description, when Shipstation notifies Etsy to ship, when requesting Etsy API (createReceiptShipment), the value of field carrier_name is other, not sf-express. When I request Shipstation API (Mark an Order as Shipped), the value of field carrierCode is sf-express, maybe Shipstation has filtered it. I would like to make a request to you. Can I pass the same value of field carrierCode to field carrier_name of Etsy API (createReceiptShipment) when requesting Shipstation API (Mark an Order as Shipped), instead of other? Are you willing to develop this requirement?

My functional requirements are as follows:
When requesting the Shipstation API (Mark an Order as Shipped), I hope that Shipstation will pass the same value of the field carrierCode to the field carrier_name of the Etsy API (createReceiptShipment). For example (assuming that this order is on the etsy platform): When I request the Shipstation API (Mark an Order as Shipped), the value of the field carrierCode is "sf-express". When Shipstation notifies etsy to ship, I hope to pass "sf-express" to the field carrier_name of the Etsy API (createReceiptShipment). Because currently, if the value of carrierCode does not exist in the ShipStation UI, ShipStation will pass "other" to the field carrier_name of the Etsy API (createReceiptShipment).
Hope to get your help, our business really needs this function.

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