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Using only scanner for full order fulfillment process

Occasional Contributor


On today's webinar, we heard that there was a company that figured out how to create a process where they didn't have to touch the keyboard.


I would love to see this in action



Hi @webadmin


Welcome to the community, we are so happy to have you here with us. I was provided with the following video to share with you. 


Also, I have linked the following help center articles that go through how to set this up below. 


Barcode Scanning Overview  

Other Barcode Uses  

Search Orders with a Barcode Scan 

View Orders with a Barcode Scan  


Hopefully, this helps you out! 


-Erin: Your Friendly ShipStation Community Manager 


Occasional Contributor

This video is great!  Can someone tell me what he is scanning in order to do this?  

Hi @Shane_Kinney , 


Thank you for being a part of our community and for this question. 


In this video, they are using a PDF document called a Barcode Scan Action Report. This has a preselected list of barcodes you can use to perform actions within ShipStation. I have included a link below with more information. 



Insights Reports: Hotkeys & Barcode Scan Actions: Barcode Action Scan Report


Hopefully, this helps you out, please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. 


-Erin: Your Friendly ShipStation Community Manager 

New Contributor

@Shane_Kinney  Hello, has anyone replied to you? I would like to find out how to do this too.

Occasional Contributor

@Shane_Kinney and @john32 , I've been looking for the Barcode Action Scan Report mentioned by @Manager-Erin and it seems that it isn't available with the most recent version of ShipStation. It's an old reference. 

I've attended a demo last month, where they were trying to find it and couldn't.


Hey @webadmin@Shane_Kinney, and @john32 ,


Thanks for calling this out, Webadmin, you are right this is only available with our legacy version at this time. My apologies for any confusion that might have caused anyone. I can tell you that this is something that is being worked on for the new layout and we will make sure everyone is notified the moment this has been pushed out. 


-Erin: Your Friendly ShipStation Community Manager 

@Manager-ErinIs there an approximate date of when this will be available for the new layout?

Hi Erin,


I am late to this conversation but new to the ShipStation and the forum.


For the community and myself, do you have any indication on timing of the release of this new layout?



Not sure if any updates have been made. I am still using the old version and working fairly well so far. 

Hi there everyone!


I am happy to report that we are about to roll out this feature for the new layout! I don't have an exact date of release but it should be soon! 🙂 


From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!



This is awesome news!  I realize that you have mentioned you don't have an exact date of release and also that a similar comment was made in October... so, if for whatever reason this wouldn't be available in the next month, would it be possible to have a copy of the legacy app so those of us that are new to ShipStation can take advantage of the automations (that likely brought us to choose this platform) 🙂







Thanks for your patience while i checked into this! I totally understand wanting a more detailed answer than "soon". 


The update I received is that we are expecting and planning this feature to be live in the new layout by the end of the quarter! Certainly when it becomes available, even if before the end of the quarter, I will update this post.


Hope this helps 🙂 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!



With the end of the quarter only 4 days away, may I assume that you mean, end of next quarter?



Howdy @ikbenben


Happy to clarify! We are certainly planning on it rolling out by the end of this quarter, which would be the end of March.


We are still hopeful it will be completed and rolled out before though! 🙂


From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

Hi @Moderator-Davis Any updates on when this is going to be rolled out?

Occasional Contributor

Hi Ben,


It took me a little bit but I figured out how to do this without the older legacy layout.


First you have to create the presets you want to apply to your orders. As an example these could be box size and carrier. To create these presets go to your orders tab and highlight an order. In the side bar to the right you should see a "Apply Presets" button. When you click on this you will get a drop down menu, at the bottom select "Manage Presets". A new window will open where you can add all the presets you want. Once you have added your presets just select the "Print Hotkeys and Barcodes" at the bottom and you should have a list of barcodes you can scan to apply presets and use the process shown in the video above. All this is assuming that you have the scan barcode added to your packing slip and you have the "Scan to Print Barcode" printed and ready to go.


I hope this helps,



New Contributor


Thanks for your kind reply 🙂

Do you know if everyone has access to the legacy layouts in order to get this automation set-up while they roll this out with the new layout? Sorry for any ignorance in my question -- day 2 on the platform 🙂



Occasional Contributor

No problem,

I also tried to get access to the legacy layout but that was not an option. But since I figure out how to do a keyboardless shipping process I haven't found a need to use the legacy layout. Unfortunately the technical documents SS has for the subject are lacking and don't clearly show how to get it setup (with the newer version) but it is possible without the "Barcode Scan Action Report" that is in the legacy layout.



New Contributor

@Manager-ErinIs SS working on resolving this?

New Contributor

Just heard back from SS and I was able to print the barcodes for box sizes. The hot keys need to be assigned for each one in order for the barcodes to print. Another thing, the barcodes do not work on Firefox.


I tried adding a picture from my computer but don't see an option for that.

Occasional Contributor

Hi John,


I'm trying to use a scanner only workflow as well. Are the Hot keys you are talking about associated to presets as shown in this link here? (


I was able to print out the hotkey barcodes but when I scan the barcodes nothing happens. I'm not using Firefox but if yours are working I would greatly appreciate you sharing how you got it too work. Maybe what scanner, browser, etc...


Thank so much,

New Contributor

Hi Alec,


First click on any order and create your presets. You will find your presets when you click on an order and on the order page look to the right box. There you will find a box called "Shipping Info". Click on "Apply Preset" and then scroll all the way down until you see "Manage". 


Once you have created your presets make sure to assign a hotkey. Careful to use Ctrl+P or any other Ctrl+ combo if you use it for any other reason.


Once you have created your presets then go to Insights (found on the top left hand side) and click on Reports (bottom left box). Then click on "Barcode Scan Action Quick Reference Sheet".


This is what I have to do next, might be different for you. Once I have clicked on "Barcode Scan Action Quick Reference Sheet" I have to click the "Export to PDF" button and then I can see my presets. I assign them and print.


Hope this helps.

Occasional Contributor

Hi John,


You must be using the older legacy layout. I don't have the "Barcode Scan Action Quick Reference Sheet" report.

New Contributor

Yes, that is correct.

Occasional Contributor

The general hotkeys would be the only way we could go keyboardless.

Patiently waiting for this to be available on the "new" version...



I would be interested in this, when you say fully process with a scanner do you mean they connected barcodes to certain actions in ship station?

That's what we've tried to do in our shipping department. It's far from perfect, but it speeds things up a lot when it works. The hotkey support in ShipStation allows you to trigger actions with specific key presses. (e.g. "r" = get rate, "s" = create shipping label) The trick is to create barcodes for the hotkeys you need to use. Scanning the barcode for a hotkey will be treated the same as hitting the physical key.

I think we will definitely try this out for some features that are not supported in the integration just yet and have gone down the rabbit hole of the hotkeys and pre-created barcode sheets. Not all are useful in our case so we'll likely have a sheet like they do in the video taped to the table. Do these features work with Shipstation Connect or just the web version?

Occasional Contributor

We use Zebra TC210 from the TC21* series. It's basically a modified Android phone with a true scanner attached, so it's super-fast. The key, though, is the app. We have been using Fishbowl Advanced for our inventory and warehouse management, and it comes with their "Fishbowl Advanced Mobile" app. The app is the key to going keyboardless. Everything happens on the scanner. You tap buttons for what you want to do, and it scans at the appropriate time. That being said, while their mobile app is amazing, Fishbowl Advanced has proven a bit troublesome for us.

Anyway, basically what you do is install the Fishbowl Advanced integration for ShipStation. Many integrations are available. Your scanner app talks to Fishbowl and Fishbowl syncs with ShipStation. ShipStation running on a PC has your label printers and scanners attached to it. Works like a dream.

Other IMS/WMS I've been looking into which also have touch-screen mobile apps include:
- ShipHero (iPhone/iPad only, but you can add a proper scanner-in-a-case to them)
- InfoPlusCommerce (can integrate with just about anything via their partnership with
- Extensiv

These are all "big dogs", and cost 2-8 times what Fishbowl Advanced costs, but when you're growing quickly sometimes you've got to bite the bullet.

Lastly, I think it would be *amazing* if ShipStation would add pick/pack/ship to their mobile scanner app. If they did, we would skip having an IMS/WMS altogether, and just use their scanner and their integration with Shopify or ShopifyPlus. Shopify can track the inventory and its ship status. ShipStation can do the pick/pack/ship, cycle counts, multi-location, etc. There is currently NO touch-screen-friendly scanner app that works with Shopify. ShipStation costs much less than full-blown IMS/WMSes do. They could charge quite a bit for that "Shopify Scanner" app, and people would gladly pay it. I know we would. It would save us at least $10k/yr, and there are many, many Shopify merchants in the same situation.