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You receive the error "Unable to register meter: Shipping address provided does not match our records" when getting rates or creating labels with FedEx services. 



To create FedEx labels, ShipStation must register each Ship From Location in your account with FedEx. This registry creates a meter number that we store on our backend. If a Ship From Location does not have a meter number yet, ShipStation will attempt to register it when you get rates or create a shipment. This error message occurs when the address we're using to register does not match the FedEx account's Shipping Address.



There are two ways you should try to resolve the error:


  1. Go to Settings > Shipping > Carriers & Fulfillment, and click the Settings link for your FedEx account. Update the FedEx Account Address to match your FedEx Shipping Address, then click Confirm.

  2. Go to Settings > Shipping > Ship From Locations, and Edit the Ship From Location. Update the Ship From Address to match your FedEx Shipping Address, then click Save Changes.

To ensure it worked, go back to the Orders tab and try to get a rate for the same order that returned the error. The error message should disappear and display a rate from FedEx.


If you updated your Ship From Location, you can edit it again and set it back to your actual Ship From Address. We only need the address to match FedEx's Shipping Address when we register the Ship From Location for the meter number.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎11-19-2020 03:07 PM
Updated by: