'+1 ! Is it possible to add "Shipped By Newegg" (SBN) multi-channel fulfillment support (Similar to FBA/Shipwire) to shipstation? We would be more comfortable sending additional product to Newegg if we could easily use them to fulfill non-Newegg orders as a backup via shipstation. Newegg already has the basics in place, just need a Shipstation connection I think.
I have found that Fulfilment by NewEgg is about 15% cheaper than FBA. That makes a BIG difference. So would like to be able to have NewEgg fulfill ALL my orders from ANY of my marketplaces, if possible, but esp from my main one which is Zen Cart.
So I need SS to be able to connect up to NewEgg and send the order info to them automatically.
come on SS, it has been almost a year already!
BTW, your system of votes is not working well for this case, since more people would vote for this if they knew about it.
SS should be proactive on matters like this. Us little guys need help with finding better warehousing and fulfilment rates. If SS does it, they can post the info and it woluld help a lot of people like us.
We'd like to see this as well! We use Amazon FBA for filling some orders, but we've found them to be very slow in processing some of these orders. Being able to integrate directly with Shipped by Newegg Third Party Fulfillment would be very helpful for growing our business.
Please vote for this integration for NewEgg fulfillment, Any fulfillment service that we can add will help the future of eCommerce. I do Amazon FBA but I need a cheap alternative and NewEgg fulfillment is one.
I asked my Newegg Rep about this and they said: "As for connecting with Shipstation, that is not on our end. You will need to contact your representative from ShipStation and find out from their end if they can support our SBN program."