Occasional Contributor
since ‎12-28-2022

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The shipping cost isn't exposed in ShipStation. This means that we are unable to update the shipping cost with our contracted FedEx rate when we mark the order as shipped through our API. This also impacts the Shipping Cost report, and other ShipStat...
Reposting...The shipping cost isn't exposed in ShipStation. This means that we are unable to update the shipping cost with our contracted FedEx rate when we mark the order as shipped through our API. This also impacts the Shipping Cost report, and ot...
It would be nice to have the ability to map product settings via Product upload sheet. For instance, do not track inventory. For some of us using API we would track inventory separately from Ship station for many reasons. In this case I would have to...
The shipping cost isn't exposed in ShipStation. This means that we are unable to update the shipping cost with our contracted FedEx rate when we mark the order as shipped through our API. This also impacts the Shipping Cost report, and other ShipStat...
It would be very helpful to expose the Note from Buyer and Note to Buyer fields to the API. They could then appear on an internal pick ticket.
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