There are no Shipping Email Notifications being sent since 2/16.Nothing
has changed in my configuration or email program.No email reply from
ShipStation SupportThis is a big problem.
@Manager-Erin Thanks. I get Rate Error The wallet terms are not accepted
by Parcel Guard.It doesn't matter what size I make any package. Whether
it's 1 oz or 15 oz, 6" x 5" x 1" or 13" x 6" x 2" or ANY size.Kitt
I just got an email from Erin, Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation
Community Manager with details about my funds being moved to
ParcelGuard.Kind of like adding insult to injury. As of this morning,
all I get is an error message when I try to insur...
I am not going to live through the nightmare of another USPS Christmas
season. There has to be a way to offer correct UPS rates through
WooCommerce. PUHLEEZE