โ02-16-2023 01:56 PM
We are a drop shipping service that ship from 1 central location but change the return label address to our clients name and address on each order.
We do this by setting up a "ship from location" for each client in shipstation with the Pick Up address being our central location with different Return Address. We then use the automation rules to apply a specific ship from location based on the order details.
The problem we are having is that when we print the end of day manifest for USPS shipstation is generating a manifest for each of our "ship from locations" even though the Pick Up locations are the same for all the orders.
Some days this is creating 100+ separate manifests for packages we are shipping from our central location when we really need there to only be 1 manifest with all the shipments.
We previously used ShippingEasy and changed the return address on shipments and it would only produce 1 consolidated manifest.
Is there a workaround for this or could our manifest be created based on the Pick Up address instead of the "ship from location" in Shipstation. OR is there a way to automate the process of changing just the return label addresses instead of setting up a different ship from location for each?
The post office is giving us a lot of push back and threatening they will stop scanning our end of day manifests if we can't create a consolidated version.
โ08-10-2023 09:08 AM
I have a similar post related. We have asked for the ability to just update the company name for blind shipping purposes. For now we just have a * in place for the Company Name on our labels.