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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Investigating
Currently during an exchange, we reship the original order and then have to change the packing slip by hand writing the changes. While we could create manual orders for each of these, right now customer information does not automatically fill in all of the time when creating an order. When this happens we can go to the customers tab and then search for the customer and then create an order from there, but this seems like an extra step. It would be convenience to have a "duplicate order" button that would create a new order to the same recipient directly from the orders or shipments tab.
New Contributor
Another scenario: I just had a customer who wants to package a bunch of products of mine and have me dropship to his customers. There are about 10 items in it, and he gets a discounted price. He's the customer, but the shipping address will be different for each order. I'd like to create the order once and then duplicate it. Tonight I have to look at creating a CSV for these manually entered orders (not coming in via my regular sales channels).
First-timer (legacy)
'@ShipStation - all the same reasons the other people who commented have mentioned. Custom orders not through a marketplace, Multi box shipments, Exchanges, One order being divided into multiple shipments and going out on different days, etc..
First-timer (legacy)
This would be perfect for us as well. We sometimes need to send replacements for items that broke under warranty, and this would certainly expedite that process. Reship doesn't work because the order needs to get put into production, and in order for that to happen, I need another actual order to be created.
First-timer (legacy)
Today I had to ship 6 boxes (same address, same size, same weight) of items back to manufacturer. No order number, not coming from a marketplace. I used because they have a duplicate shipment feature through their website. Shipstation really needs to add this.
New Contributor
I still feel we need a duplicate order feature, because I have repeat customers who want to repurchase consumables, and their orders are often the same or pretty similar. I've already commented below in more detail, however @Sara, for your purposes, here is what you could have done. You could have created the first Shipment in ShipStation, and then when you shipped it, it would have moved into the shipped status. Next, go into that shipped order and create a new label with the green (or orange, depending on what mode you are in) "Create Label" button. You will get a warning, that you already shipped the item: Just hit Yes, and a new, separate label, to the same address, same size, same weight will be created. Do this another 4 times and you've got 6 labels for that one shipment of 6 boxes. In your case it's not really an order. It's just a shipment. So you don't need a duplicate order function. I think the duplicate order function is when you have a completely new order, different order number, mostly the same items, perhaps changing the quantity, changing the order number, and other information and then once you have the order information set you save it to a new order where it will show up in your order listing. Right now it's easy to create extra labels all going to the same place for a single order or shipment. What this feature is about is reaching back a few months, finding that customers previous order, and clicking "duplicate order" into a completely new order in the present. I hope this all makes sense.
New Contributor
Still really itching for this one.
First-timer (legacy)
Has anything been done with this idea? We still would really like this for replacements and exchanges.
First-timer (legacy)
This feature is greatly needed. It would allow us to duplicate an order with all customer info enter in already and simply changing the quantity of an item or modify the PO number rather than having to create a whole new order. Thanks for listening. Looking forward for this feature to be added.
First-timer (legacy)
We would also benefit from a duplicate order or "copy" order feature. But we are most interested in being able to change the recipient info while leaving the delivery method and items ordered the same. We often need to enter many of the same order for multiple customers, and we would save lots of time doing so if we could copy an order and change the fields that need to be changed, without starting with a blank order each time!!! THANKS!
First-timer (legacy)
Re-ship also does not work with fulfillment services like Shipwire