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Occasional Contributor
Status: No status
Our In-Cart Delivery options for our store is only grabbing live rates for the weight and displaying it to the customer. We need the rate to calculate with the dimension of the product as well. Customer would only pay, for example $25 for shipping according to the weight of the product, but when the label is created with the dimension of the box included, the label ends up being $35 and we lose $10 for one order. It also doesn't apply if the order is insured as carriers would only cover up to $100, any order over $100 would need to include insurance rate on top of shipping cost. In-Cart Delivery Options, dimensions and insurance aren't currently able to be included within the rates sent to the customers, please implement it.
I totally agree Jenelle. This should be at the top of the list for the development team. Hopefully your idea can get more votes. I just added 3. Thanks,
Status changed to: No status

Any progress on getting live rates to pull from DIM weight? 


Yes, this issue should be fixed IMMEDIATELY!

Imagine a business owner who charges live rates calculated by Shipstation Live Rates, but the actual rate is completely different.

For example, I just had a situation where a customer gets charged $54 (live rate calculation), but the actual rate when adding package dimension is $91. That is a $47 LOSS for the business! There is no way you can run a business like that.

It appears that live rates are accurate as long as the package does not exceed 12 inch in length. Beyond that, rates are complete off!

Thank you for taking this feature into consideration.