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Status: Completed
I have tried the ‘Create Another Shipment’ option in V3, however the problem is that it does not carry forward the item detail from the original shipment into the new shipment. Therefore at the end of the month when I reconcile the inventory, it does not show that we in fact shipped 2pc of whatever item it was, it only records the original item shipment. Please pass along my comments to the developers as this function is essential to our order processing, inventory management as well as our month end reporting.
First-timer (legacy)
There needs to be a restore button like in V2. I tend to restore orders that need to be reshipped for whatever reason, and now i cannot with V3
First-timer (legacy)
This is a critical oversight in V3. Restore NEEDS to be brought back. "Create Another Shipment" is not sufficient as items cannot be added to the new shipment if it came from a 3rd party storefront. Please update this ASAP. Thank you!!!!!
First-timer (legacy)
Absolutely! without the Restore function v3 is a non-starter. How could the development teams miss such an important aspect. Do you have any idea how your customers actually use the software?
First-timer (legacy)
Absolutely! without the Restore function v3 is a non-starter. How could the development team miss such an important feature?
First-timer (legacy)
HIGHLY recommended in V3 you guys keep Restore an option from just searching an order, as it is in V2. For example, we shipped 6700 LP records for a Kickstarter campaign March - May. Say 4% of that is damages / warps / jacket replacement. That's over 250 orders we would have to manually create. That's insane. On V2, all we have to do is grab a name or order# from the customer's email, find order, select, and click Restore. Seconds. If it's just a jacket or disc replacement just a few additional seconds to jump in the order and edit the line-item to add "Jacket Only" or "Disc Only." Again, seconds. Similar scenario, guy wants to swap out for a product out of stock on an order that shipped already - now we just jump in to that order, restore, add item desired, save. In seconds, probably about 15. Having to manually create an order for each instance of damage or replacement? That's pretty much a deal-breaker. We'd have to find another platform to use with that kind of quick functionality. Creating an order means copying the address from a previous order screen, entering it, choosing a store from the drop-down, creating an order#, copy/paste email addy, then add line-items, know or look up the price for customs...minutes. Say that takes 1.5mins, someone absolutely hauling *** thru the order creation process. With that scenario up there it would take over NINE HOURS to do. I was able to jump in to service emails every other day for 30 - 60mins and restore 20 - 30 orders, including the time to reply to the email. Thank you for review, please keep Restore! Best, Michael VanHassel, Owner Fulfillment Merch
First-timer (legacy)
I agree. This is a big issue for us as well. To bypass this problem, we have to create a NEW manual order for the single product and assign order number like '123456-reship' where 123456 was the original order number. It's a pain to do since there is not a "duplicate order" feature. Solution would either be: 1. Allow "Create Another Shipment" to carry over item/SKu from the order. 2. Add a "Duplicate Order/Shipment" functionality to create a new order from a previous shipment., including all ship-to info.
First-timer (legacy)
previous version you could easily restore a shipment to reship if needed, no option to do so in new interface.
Like others have mentioned not having this option is a deal breaker for V3.
First-timer (legacy)
Our workflow requires us to restore shipped orders into awaiting shipment mode daily. In V1 that is very simple by simply clicking restore order however in V2 that options is not available. Please work on adding that future.
First-timer (legacy)
V3 unfortunately has a big CON, it odes not allow you to RESTORE an order previously SHIPPED, like V2 does. V3 now only allows for restoring of CANCELLED orders. The issue it poses is best explained by the following scenario: Customer ordered 5 live plants and upon delivery notified us that 3 were dead on arrival/damaged. In V2 we would search for the order, SPLIT it and restore the part of it that needs to be reshipped. That restored order (with 3 plants) would appear then in Orders section where all orders are awaiting shipment and our staff would then simply ship it, sometimes next business day. We can not always create new shipment at the exact time the customer issue is discovered so placing order back into Orders section is a must. Sometimes we would also use EXPORT Order Line Items feature to export all particular orders, going to particular vendor, into CSV file and submit our orders in bulk that way (drop ship orders). We can not do that if the order can not be restored to the Orders section.. So, can we please get the feature of RESTORING a SHIPPED order enabled in V3, just like V2 currently has it? It is crucial to our day to day operations for us.