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First-timer (legacy)
Status: No status
Hey, We would like a way for ShipStation to auto change the status of a split order. Right now it will change the status of the orders that are shipped but if the order is split it stays as processing. It dose send a note to WooCommerces with the products that were shipped and the tracking number but it keeps the order status as processing. If it could change the order status to Split Order that would be great. That way when we are going threw the orders on WooCommerces we don't have to open them to find out why it has not shipping already. Also we don't accidentally re-ship the whole order thinking it just has not been shipped. I has already spoken with a plugin that is willing to work with y'all and make this an option in WooCommerce if y'all can make ShipStation send a code to WooCommerce like it dose when its shipped. The ladies I have been talking to is Beka and her email is This would be such a great function and I really believe a lot of people would benefit from this.
First-timer (legacy)
We really need this functionality as well. This exact same thing is vital to the way we'd like to use Shipstation/Woocommerce.
First-timer (legacy)
I feel like this would help a lot of people. Do we have any idea when this could happen.
Status changed to: No status