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Keeps kicking out Document Settings


Why does the program keep forgetting my document options (labels, packing slips, etc.)???? I have to go back in and reset multiple times a day.  Oh, and then I get kicked out of the program entirely and have to log in, only this time havin the fun of selecting the images with school buses!  V3 is UNSTABLE!


Hey there @birdsafe


I definitely want to help get to the root of this behavior you are describing! If your printer settings are fully resetting multiple times a day, we absolutely want to investigate that! 


Absolutely I recommend that you reach out to our support team directly via chat or email. 


With that in mind, I would like to provide some questions that could help us narrow down when/how this may be happening: 

-Are you seeing that reset of the document options around the same time everyday? 

-Are you able to see and confirm that document options have saved as intended before a that reset happens?

-Is it always the same settings (if not ALL settings) that are reset? 

-Are you seeing the document options reset only on log out and back in or do they become reset in the middle of an active session? 

-When clearing your cache and cookies, there is a section of that browser history noted as "Site Settings", its a good idea to make sure this remains un-checked. 


These may be things that you've already taken into account, but I just want to make sure we are covering aren't overlooking anything. 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!


I am having this same issue. 

Howdy @kelsie


Thanks for this feedback! We certainly want to check out the specifics around this behavior so you can continue to ship and print like normal moving forward. 


Please check out my comment above for some preliminary information that our support team would like to have with this report. We look forward to hearing from you so we can investigate with you directly! 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

-Are you seeing that reset of the document options around the same time everyday? no

-Are you able to see and confirm that document options have saved as intended before a that reset happens? yes, but I will also set the option and it will print to the wrong printer after sending even though the right printed shows in the connect dialogue.

-Is it always the same settings (if not ALL settings) that are reset? yes

-Are you seeing the document options reset only on log out and back in or do they become reset in the middle of an active session?  no

@kelsie, thank you! 


This is all terrific information to have on hand about the documents settings behavior you are describing. 


Please feel free to reach out to our support team either via chat or email so that we can get an agent directly into your account and inspecting what you are running into there. 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

In my case,  it is completely random when it kicks out -- I can be moving on, print a number of labels just fine, labels are printed to the printer selected under SS connect and then all of a sudden the next order I move to I will get the Prompt window to select a printer. If I open up the document options screen at that point, all the documents say "Always Prompt."  I can also confirm that sometimes when I am "prompted" for a printer and select it from the pull-down (for example if I am printing an End of Day form and select my inket printer) - then click to print, it sends the end of day to my thermal label printer instead.  Only after I go back in to reset all the options to the desired printers can I move forward - until the next time it kicks out.


And, yes, I know I can call up support in chat or email, but frankly that is a time-consuming process that I usually don't have time for.  There is a bug here with V3 that I am just bringing to your attention.

as another note to this issue - when I just clicked Reply to send this message, SS kicked me out and asked me to log back in before I could post it.  This is another issue that randomly happens and is annoying - at least this time it didn't ask me to select all the pics with busses in them.

Yes, I also have this issue of getting kicked out of the support when logged into shipstation and visiting the forum via the SS portal. 

@birdsafe and @kelsie


Thanks for providing this feedback! These are definitely reports that we want to get to the root of right away.


We absolutely want to ensure that you have continued access to all of the different resources we offer like the support articles and this community. The login/kicked out issue you've both described is something i've brought directly to the team and is being looked into. 


I'm not sure when i'll have an update, but without a doubt as soon as I do, i'll update this thread. 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!


We have this exact same issue, but have narrowed it down to it occuring when another user (using a different login name/password) has logged in to process orders. Once that happens, it logs other users out and resets the Document Options settings. Very frustrating, especially when we have multiple users that access ShipStation each day.

Almost 5 months since posting my previous comment, still having the same issue in ShipStation.

New Contributor

Any solution?

New Contributor

Browser doesn't matter.