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Very basic question

New Contributor

Can shipstation be used solely as a shipping platform without importing orders ?  I've been pointed to shipstation to try to live demo it without any integration or order import. We have carrier accounts that have been connected.  Everything I see seems to start with an existing order in shipstation.   My organization has built it's own ecommerce platform which we would integrate,  if we like the way the shipping works.  I just don't want to go down a bunny trail trying to figure it out if I need our ecomm group to do additional work first.


"At the most basic level, you import your orders from an order source - usually, an online selling channel, though there are other methods,"  


I would appreciate any help.



Occasional Contributor

Hey Tim,


We mainly use the platform for existing orders, but you can definitely create new orders within Shipstation. You can do so manually within the program order by order, or if you have a higher volume it's easy to create an excel sheet with the order information under headers and upload to Shipstation in bulk.