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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Completed
Etsy is getting ready to integrate gift wrapping and gift messages into their sales platform. I'm hoping there will be an alert for each order containing this information within ShipStation once it goes into effect. Gift messages are going to be made available to all orders at no charge, so every Etsy seller will have to deal with them whether they want to or not, and I am concerned I'll get a gift message request and not know about it. Ideally, I would also like to see a way to print ONLY gift message packing slips and not every packing slip in a batch, since I don't typically include packing slips with my orders.
First-timer (legacy)
Etsy is adding a new field, where during the ordering process customers can request a personalized gift message. Shipstation should integrate the gift message field with a direct import from Etsy to its own separate gift message section on shipstation. For example, if a customer places an order and writes notes in the note section and then also requests a gift message, shipstation would import the notes and the gift messages as 2 different fields. Since Etsy will have the gift message field as its own separate section, if ShipStation does not import it Shipstation will be useless to us because we would have to print the orders directly from Etsy to ensure we do not miss the gift messages.
First-timer (legacy)
yes we need this asap, Etsy rolled this out right before xmas season so us shipstation users need to keep competitive with the ones that dont use SS - we need to be able to offer gift wrapping just like everyone else this holiday season.
First-timer (legacy)
I also need to know if orders have the gift wrapping or gift messages. I've been looking forward to this feature, but it would be a shame for me to accidentally miss any of them. I rarely look at Etsy lately since Ship Station provides everything (else) I need to create and ship my orders.
First-timer (legacy)
Fingers crossed something happens in relation to this soon -- as is, it's only a matter of time before I miss important gifting information on an Etsy order. I may need to go back to using Etsy's website for shipping, till there's a fix... and I'm going to miss ShipStation in the meantime!
First-timer (legacy)
Is this feature going to be implemented? Gift messages are starting to come through on Etsy but in ShipStation there is no way to know that there was a gift message included.
First-timer (legacy)
Shipstation already has "this is a gift" and gift message fields. It just needs to import these correctly from Etsy. This is definitely needed.
First-timer (legacy)
There are a couple suggestions already to get Etsy messages imported. That is absolutely important, but even more important is: the import of "Marked as gift" selections on Etsy. ShipStation even already has a checkbox and space for this information on orders. We really need those 2 features to talk to one another because without it, we have to go in and manually check each and every Etsy order, which is half the point of ShipStation in the first place. We move decent volume on Etsy and this is a very important feature for us, especially now that it is coming up on the holiday season. I bet a good 20% of our orders seem to be getting this option chosen on Etsy these days, and many of them also opt for a gift message as well. PLEASE implement this one!
First-timer (legacy)
Fortunately Etsy listened to feedback and is making gift messaging optional. However, we still need to be able to get this information if we have that enabled, and have a field showing whether or not gift wrap was paid for if we have that enabled. This is a VERY BIG DEAL for anyone who sells on Etsy!
YES! please add this shipstation, this is essential for our etsy orders!
Occasional Contributor
Can someone please advise if this is being looked at? Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm sure Etsy sends this data in the API feed it really is a mapping issue... and weรขโ‚ฌโ„ขre at the holidays. Surely at least a comment from staff on status of this would be appreciated.