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First-timer (legacy)
Status: No status
For FedEx international to give shipper the option to bill customs and duty for international shipments to a separate account #, that isn't the receivers/shipper's account. At the same time billing the shipping charges to either receiver/shipper account. Hope that makes sense.
First-timer (legacy)
Yes please can we add this feature, it is a separate box at Fedex's booking page and I have attached this here. With Fedex you can have your own separate account that you pay the customs and duties for the customer and this way fedex does not charge an advancement fee saving to ร‚ยฃ15 per consignment!. That would be a total savings of ร‚ยฃ15000 per month for us so PLEASE ADD IT asap! It is very important now with BREXIT that we can pay the customs and duties on behalf the customer so we can carry on trading. Thanks.
First-timer (legacy)
Kevin, can you please add your votes here? It is the same request and it already has 14 votes...
Status changed to: No status
Occasional Contributor

Bumping this topic. 


Currently, the way that Shipstation is set up is so that when you hit "bill duties and taxes to the payor of shipping charges", it adds two items to the commercial invoice -

  • 1. Incoterms of DDP
  • 2. custom text that states to bill charges to [account used for shipping]

When the shipping account being used is our own account, this is not an issue as we are the shipper (which DDP outlines as the shipper is paying for duties) and the custom text says to use our shipping number. 


When the shipping account being used is a 3rd party, these two statements are contradictory as DDP says to bill the shipper and then this custom text says to bill 3rd party. 


This is a real issue that needs to get resolved ASAP as it holds up shipments and generates hours upon hours of un-needed communication between FedEx and the shipping department over the confusion of these two opposing statements. 


Here is how to fix the current broken state of the commercial invoices and bill duties function. When the bill duties box is checked, the following should happen - 

  • 1. When the shipping account is 3rd party // Remove DDP and leave the custom text stating to bill 3rd party
  • 2. When the shipping account is the shipper's account // Keep DDP and leave out the custom text

If you want to go one move further than fixing it, and make it so it is in it's ideal state - 

  • Be able to pick what is charged to the 3rd party - if it is just shipping or just duties or both. Depending on what is selected will either add or remove the DDP or custom text alongside changing the shipping account.

The biggest issue with the current model is that I have to check the box no matter what as I cannot have the recipient paying duties (we need to either bill ourselves or the 3rd party) and when I have to ship on 3rd party account numbers I cannot because of the two contradictory statements present on the CI. 

New Contributor

YES, please! We have the exact same issue and it's something that is a bit of a nightmare to do manually (that would also mean that we wouldn't have all records in the same place if we did it through Fedex website).
Our company ships abroad to the same vendors on a daily basis and this is a request that we currently can't provide because of Shipstation's limitations. This affects our customer service and our business. Please fix this!

It's been frustrating enough dealing with all changes that Shipstation created when forcing everyone to accept this new version. This seems to be a reasonable request that would meet not only ours, but many companies' needs.