I've had this issue for a shipment to a trailer in a trailer park. The
validation process decided that the space number was not needed and it
was removed. So the package was undeliverable.I was also advised to turn
off validation. Why fix it when it ...
I still have 2 issues with the Amazon integration and haven't heard back
from support. The soldto is using the shipto name. Sometimes it's
different and you can only see the soldto/buyer name in the Amazon order
list.The order date is based on the UT...
Keep in mind that you will be reprocessing all of your automation rules
for all of your orders. If you've manually updates some orders (like I
have), those changes will be lost.
The silence is ridiculous. There are additional issues besides the
missing SKU. We have custom items and the URL went from a zip link of
the customization to 2 URLs of the item image. Also, the sort by order
date is not functioning properly. It's lik...