Yes, "human readable format" would be great! Fingers crossed ShipStation
can come through with a solution. Sounds like everyone has a case (or
three) still open. Thanks for your input.
Hey adam90,Have you gotten the customizedURL to sync the personalized
data into ShipStation yet? I still only have the URL showing up. It
would be great to have the custom information on the packing slip, I
just don't know how to get it to display. I...
Hey Smedley,I actually just noticed that we had two orders from the same
customer this morning and we did not receive an alert through
ShipStation to combine those orders. I have a case in right now to see
why our alerts that have prompted "consider ...
Hey there, Any word on the "CustomizedURL" importing? We are having the
same issue with a currently open case. No word other than for us to
"fiddle" with the footer. See below. Just wondering if you have gotten
any real help in getting the custom URL...