01-29-2021 01:52 PM
We ship almost all of our shipments with FedEx International services, which does not support Auto-tracking.
In the past, we shipped on the FedEx.com website in which we could check of email notifications for any or all of the following: "Shipped", "Tendered", "Estimated Delivery", "Exception" (delivery or clearance delay), and "Delivered".
Is there the ability to do this in ShipStation? If not, then how can I find out when there are Clearance Delays? We do not often receive calls from FedEx for this and cannot leave orders hanging in customs without our knowledge.
01-29-2021 02:09 PM
I have those settings in FedEx where I get emails on packages with Clearance Delays, etc.
02-08-2021 06:10 AM
The settings on the FedEx website don't apply to ShipStation though. Do you have FedEx International notifications in ShipStation?
02-10-2021 10:49 PM
I'm not sure what you mean. I have notifications set up in my FedEx account where I can get notifications on clearance delays, etc.
03-25-2021 01:02 PM
I have the notifications set up in our FedEx.com account too, but those only work for shipments made on FedEx.com. Any shipments made in ShipStation don't even show up in our account login so those settings no longer apply. Since we only use ShipStation now, I need ShipStation to have those notifications as well.
Through some research, it appears ShipStation's 'Autotrack' (auto-tracking with delay/exception notifications) does not work specifically for FedEx International shipments, only other carriers/services. I hope better call us for all exceptions/delays or we will never know...