โ01-22-2024 09:52 PM
I was working on order creation API but able to create via dashboard not via API. It is giving an empty string response, so unable to know the exact status.
curl request is:
curl --location 'https://ssapi.shipstation.com/orders/createorder' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic NzZhZGE5NjAxNWE4NGJjMmE5NmE4ZDRmZDJlYjYyNzk6Mzc2ZTNjYmI4NjE2NDljOTgyMGQwZTcxNWFlZmMwYzg=' \
--data-raw '{
"orderStatus": "awaiting_shipment",
"orderDate": "2024-01-23T16:53:48.000Z",
"items": [
"isGift": false,
"name": "SYSTEM1",
"productId": null,
"productThumbnailUrl": null,
"quantityFulfilled": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"quantityOrdered": 1,
"quantityPlanned": 0,
"quantityReturned": 0,
"salesOrderItemId": null,
"sku": "HJI90",
"totalPrice": {
"value": 0,
"code": "USD"
"shipTo": {
"countryCode": "US",
"email": "manisha@yopmail.com",
"name": "MANISHA SAINI",
"line1": "699 BELLEVE",
"line2": "OAKLAND",
"city": "BELLEVE",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "92810"
"billTo": {
"countryCode": "US",
"email": "manisha@yopmail.com",
"name": "MANISHA SAINI",
"line1": "699 BELLEVE",
"line2": "OAKLAND",
"city": "BELLEVE",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "92810"
"orderNumber": "90OPUI",
โ01-25-2024 12:05 AM
Is there any lead?