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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Investigating
Is there a way to charge the customer for the return label so that we are not paying for every return label? This would especially be good if the customer is returning due to their own error or because they just changed their mind instead of us paying for every single return label?
Why is ShipStation not responding to this major request? This has been going on since Jan 2015 and is a huge issue. 4 years?! This is huge for businesses. How Returns are handled is a huge factor in whether or not a customer does business with a company
First-timer (legacy)
Implement this ASAP.
First-timer (legacy)
Has there been any movement on this? I can't use the returns portal until there is an option for the customer to pay for the return. In it's most basic form, all it would need is a checkbox to appear dependent on the return reason stating that the calculated cost of the return will be deducted from the refund, and allowing the customer to accept this before the label is created.
First-timer (legacy)
Yes. We need a way to approve return requests at the very least. Or import RMA orders into the shipstation returns tab.
First-timer (legacy)
Please Get this going, I am appalled that this isnt a legacy feature. Allowing customers free reign on shipping at no cost to them is not a good idea for so many companies. Especially with becoming a shipping software giant second only to amazon this is surprising that you don't seem to have the resources available to fix the returns side of your software. I havent been able to manually create a return label for individual orders for months now. Even contacted support multiple times and have got no real solutions or timeline of remedy.
New Contributor
Please, please, please! Because once a client has a link to the return portal, clients can just request pre-paid return labels anytime they want, even in a case where the return may not be approved or accepted by the seller (i.e., customized or personal use items.)
First-timer (legacy)
Hi all. I have come up with a slight workaround to this- not sure if it will work for your companies, but here's what we do. We disclose in our checkout policy the cost of the returns. We took an average cost of shipping for most of our returns (USPS First Cl) and charge a flat $5 return shipping fee which deducts from their return. I know it's not happening within ShipStation, but it's an easy enough workaround for your ecommerce store (we use Shopify). The only flaw with this system is that if someone needs to ship Priority, ShipStation doesn't offer them a fallback method. And as for approving returnability of items- our store uses the same SKU for custom items, and you can make those items or SKUS non-returnable from your ShipStation inventory page, or by exporting your inventory via spreadsheet, editing the returnability and re-importing. If the customer doesn't honor your return policy, that's on them, and you're only out a few dollars in a shipping label. Hope this helps!
First-timer (legacy)
My company does not pay for returns. So we cant use your return portal. Which is a shame, its something we really need and will have to pay for somewhere like aftership to get what we need. When you have the perfect functionality already. So my suggestion is make it possible to either allow the customer to pay for shipping or provide their own postage. Then its perfect and twice as functional. Seems like a simple adjustment that places like aftership already provide. And replaces allot of otherwise expensive functionality.
First-timer (legacy)
It would be nice if we could show the customers the return shipping label cost like amazon and just deduct it from the refund. That way they can still use a prepaid label that they are aware of exactly the amount it cost to ship back
First-timer (legacy)
I suggest looking at the aftership model for your example of how to form a better experience.