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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Investigating
Being able to do this adds a personal touch and the email doesn't seem so Generic
First-timer (legacy)
I agree that this would be a good feature to have.
First-timer (legacy)
Definitely a must ๐Ÿ™‚ ...saying, "Hi FRIST LAST" name seems so awkward. Thanks for checking in to this.
First-timer (legacy)
I've gotten automated confirmation emails from purchases that have only used my first name. It would be a great personal touch ๐Ÿ™‚
First-timer (legacy)
Not only that, but First name, Last name is a standard practice. Many 3-rd party integrations are limited by not having these fields separated, and frankly, it's poor design having it as one field name. I need this mainly so that our records go into our quickbooks file properly, as lastname, firstname. Right now, it's a MESS! because the fields aren't separated so everyone is " , Full Name"
First-timer (legacy)
Yes! I would love this too, please! My brand has a casual tone, and it looks out of place to address my customers by both first and last name--especially with a quick message.
First-timer (legacy)
There should be an option for a First Name field replacement to allow for a more personalized Shipping Confirmation Email as well as a Delivery Confirmation email. It currently only allow for full name. So you email can only say Hello "John Doe, Hello "John".
First-timer (legacy)
I agree there should be a First name ONLY field replacement because it's very awkward to greet people in an email by both their first & last name.
First-timer (legacy)
We need this feature ASAP! Should be easy to do. Does not set the right tone for something that is supposed to seem personalized.
First-timer (legacy)
Agreed. It's not good for the ShipStation brand to not have this feature. It is somewhat "ARCHAIC" and "OLD SCHOOL" to not be able to use [Recipient First Name] rather than just [Recipient Name which includes first and last]. If I was evaluating SS versus the others, I would be thinking - if you can't do this, what other technology are they behind on. I love shipstation and want it to be the best.
Status changed to: Investigating