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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Investigating
Please extend the email templates to also work for Return Email Messages. We'd like to be able to include fields from the order/shipment for Customer Name, Order Number, etc. Similar to Shipment and Delivery notifications.
First-timer (legacy)
Extend the email templates to also include features that can be put on the Packing Slips but not the email templates. For example, the "[Item Options]" can be on the packing slip template but not the email shipment notification template.
It would be great to also have the Return Emails come from the store email address ( like the shipping/delivery notifications do rather than from like it does now. We've had customers miss the email because it's coming from an unfamiliar address.
First-timer (legacy)
I agree with Austin Gibbons. It seems awkward for our clients to receive an email from instead of our store.
As others have said, this would be extremely helpful. We'd even be happier with a different reply-to email address. We've had upset customers...
Status changed to: Investigating
Occasional Contributor

Please.  For anyone who is selling multiple products, we really want to customize per product as well as having our own email in the message.  Would be a great add as a Custom Template.