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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Under Review
We need an end of day report for UPS that is scannable. Having only the electronic transmission is keeping the customer from tracking packages as the distribution center doesn't always get the scans when the packages go through the site. Plus the electronic transmission doesn't capture when the packages leave our dock.
First-timer (legacy)
Absolutely! I hope they add this feature soon!
First-timer (legacy)
Shipstation needs a scannable UPS EOD report. Submitting and EOD report electronically via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) does help its sellers. Example: I have a package that was shipped on 07/22, now one day later there is still no update to the tracking number. UPS does not show receiving the package on 7/22. We have no proof to show our customer who paid for 2 day shipping that the item was shipped on time. All the customer sees is that a label was created. However, if Shipstation provided a scannable end of day report like they do for USPS then there would be an entry on tracking log showing UPS picking up the item.
First-timer (legacy)
I MUST HAVE UPS END OF DAY SCAN SHEET PERIOD! This is such an important feature that Shipstation must offer to all users. Please talk to UPS company and get the API for this feature!!! I just lost $1000 for lost package and i can not even claim to UPS even though i bought Insurance because UPS Driver never scan the package for pick up and i don't have proof for it.
First-timer (legacy)
Ups in a few cases has taken our shipment and loaded them on trucks with out scanning we have a void until 2 or 3 days later when the package reaches it desrination take New York to california we won't know 3 or 4 days where the package is as far as amazon is concerned we never gave the package to UPS latoys1
First-timer (legacy)
How does SHIPSTATION still not have this SIMPLE feature. Its like they want us to use worldship instead. Please get this. Our drivers yell at us for scanning packages. They keep asking for end of day sheets.
Occasional Contributor
It is clear that shipstation has no interest in addressing this. They keep asking why we do not give them good ratings or why we don't recommend them to other businesses........ Yet this issue has been voiced over and over and over in numerous places. They simply do not care about the feedback they are receiving, or they do not have the technical abilities to implement the change. Either option is telling for a technology company.... They certainly are not interested in helping me offset the insurance claims, or the customer phone calls when the customer says YOU NEVER SHIPPED. TONE DEAF....
New Contributor
PLEASE develop a way for us to print a scan form for UPS. Currently, there is no way for us to prove they picked up a package, and we are blamed when something is lost.
First-timer (legacy)
Seriously, each of my UPS shipments is $200 - $3000 in value. I have no record of handing off to my UPS driver, unless I receive a special approval from my rep and FORCE the driver to scan each box. This is not about convenience it is about a chain of custody. PLEASE ADD THIS SIMPLE FEATURE.
First-timer (legacy)
Just to add here, Even if they scan the end of day report, they don't recognize that if one goes missing. We have insisted the driver scan every package when they pick up. That is the only true way they acknowledge receipt when things go wrong.
First-timer (legacy)
Denise, that is incorrect. The scannable label ties directly to the manifest and also contains a package count. The manual scans of the packages would be nice, but entirely unnecessary.