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With USMCA replacing NAFTA, I would love to be able to print a certificate of origin while printing shipping labels. We do a lot of business with Canada and this would help us save our customers money and thus do more business.
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Would like to see ShipStation Connect supported on Linux. This would allow the app to run on a low cost device such as a raspberry pi and make it much easier to keep service up.
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Add Packing Slip functionality thru API
Would love the ability to generate packing slips through your API. currently that is not supported. really hoping you will add that functionality soon.
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When a customer buys in dollars or euros from our site, it doesn't go through to the customs forms as dollars - it generates in GBP.
A customer in the US spent in dollars (under $800) which shouldn't mean they have to pay customs charges (as I believe it is set at $800) but it generated the customs invoice in £ (which then took the invoice over $800) and the customer has been charged $100 to receive their parcel.
Please can you let me know why this has happened and if this is the case that all customs declarations will do this or is there a way in Shipstation to avoid this happening again? Ideally we want the customs forms to generate in the currency that the customer paid in so that we don't have to go in and work out the EUR/USD equivalents and change them on every shipment.
I have noticed that it says to 'check conversion accuracy' but is this not something that is supported in Shipstation - can't Shipstation convert the currency into GBP if necessary?
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No status
Submitted on
02:16 PM
Submitted by
02:16 PM
As of right now we are not able to print labels a day early for Saturday delivery, I was hoping maybe something can be done to allow you to select the delivery date with Saturday delivery.
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It would be great to be able to export the Pick List data to csv or excel spreadsheet. This would be very handy in quickly being able to upload the csv into other various fulfillment/production/accounting applications.
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Submitted on
01:59 AM
Submitted by
01:59 AM
Issues printing Labels as ShipStaion doesn't allow more than 25 characters.
I import data from Amazon (USA) orders into Shipstaion via Channel Advisor and for data protection Amazon provide a number in this format.
+1 123-456-7891 ext. 12345
Due to the spaces, "-" and ext. i have to manually edit each order (phone number) before i can print.
This is not fun and i cant be the only person this affects.
I think you should extend the character limit on the telephone number field to fix this issue.
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I use ShipStation to connect my 3PL to Shopify for order fulfillment. I drop ship orders for several marketplaces (Faire, RangeMe, Maisonette) that I sell through which require that I attach custom invoices. I'm looking for a simple "attach PDF" functionality that could live, for example, in the order notes section. It would look a lot like the link at the bottom of this word box that says "attach a file". It would allow me to associate packing slips with orders for my 3PL. The workaround for this is so brutal that I may have to leave shipstation.
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At the moment, Shipstation only allows 250 items per sales order (EOD manifest) with Royal Mail. This means that users cannot benefit from volume discounts provided by Royal Mail (as these orders need to be on the same sales order.
For example, I get a sales discount if I send out 400 orders per day, these will be split into 2 sales orders (of 250 and 150). I get a discount from Royal Mail for sending out 300 orders, but this will not be recognised, as neither sales order shows 300 orders.
There should be no upper limit on orders per sales order. As a comparison, Royal Mail's Click and Drop system does not have an upper limit
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Submitted on
11:00 PM
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11:00 PM
For Aus Post/StarTrack Orders - Under Shipments > End of Day
Currently, you have to close your orders off by shipment date or by the date the labels were printed on.
This could lead the users to overlook manifesting for some orders if they were only doing this process weekly.
This should be displayed as a general list, per ORDERS > AWAITING SHIPMENT (as an example). A filter option feature could then be added, so the user could filter by day.
It would be handy if you could just automate this process, under your automation section.
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Be able to use wireless printers through shipstation connect which is currently unsupported (requires physically connected printers)
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Please allow change of size from 8.5x11 to a 4x6 thermal print. Printing that large of paper is a waste for our company. We are unable to read off a thermal printer due to size and color.
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Looking to be able to print off customer gift messages as a separate form from the shipping and pack slip labels. Need a way to include more than 26 characters for a gift message.
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Print two packing slips for a batch of orders at once. One packing slip should be printed sales order amount, a second packing slip should be printed without the sales order amount. We currently are only able to print one packing slip in a batch (with sales order amount). The second batch (without without sales orders amount) has to be printed one order at a time.
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New E-Bay connection brings in "Item Options" rather than a description or title. These item options cannot be overridden by descriptions saved in Shipstation. This should be changed so we can customize e-bay product descriptions just like we can do for every other store.
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Please go back to the prior drop down menu layout design for selection of shipping carrier, shipping method and other activities when creating a label.
The new layout is TOO TALL for each entry and less efficient to navigate. The prior menu was clearer, quick and easier to make selections. (It is NOT a browser issue. I've verified it occurs in all popular browsers)
Now, on an account with multiple shipping carriers and methods we scroll for days down the menu. C'mon ...
Honestly, who comes up with and approves ideas that make function less efficient?
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The picklist prints with no identifier on it!! If I assign a pick list, and then the shipper collects the items and goes to create labels/packing lists, they don't know which batch they have!
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Hello there,
I work with a 3pl that uses Shipstation and Shipstation connect as our main source for fulfillment. I would love to see the Shipstation connect app built out to be more friendly towards 3pl's attempting to use your app.
Within our organization, no user has a set desktop location. It is very inconvenient for our staff to log in to link Shipstation connect every time they need to switch stations (Workstations).
We have had so many issues with Shipstaion connect recently; I would love to see the development team add a little "magic" to the app.
One of my suggestions is adding a way to link a workstation to an account, not just a user, where every user can access it. There is currently the share function, but it never works properly, and Shipstation support says that you are not supposed to use it...
TLDR; Add a better method of connecting a workstation that can be used by multiple users.
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I would love to be able to attach a document to the email confirmation that goes out, preferably set per store.
Either with the packing slip itself and/OR a custom document, like a flyer or mailer with discounts or something.
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