Showing ideas with label Printing.
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It would be great if commercial invoices generated by platform for export shipments would be correct. 1/ when customer uses discount code, in value declaration forms it is not reflected nor is there a field to make simple adjustment. Currently have to manually adjust line item values by same amount as discount received was. Otherwise shipment value is full retail price value . 2/ even though product weights are set up, they are not correct on commercial invoices. Instead total weight is divided by unit total, and that weight/unit is used in line items.
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Shipstation Team - It would be great to be able to bulk print the order summary where the orders print one order per sheet. Currently they print multiples to a sheet which is not helpful when we need to separate those order summaries for each order we are working on.
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Anyone shipping Internationally will want this.
When using the Scan to Print feature, enable both Shipping Label & Customs forms to print at the same time when finishing a Scan to Verify & Print or Scan to Print order.
At present it's label only. Customs forms (commercial invoices) can't be printed until the shipment tracking generates, so this usually means a trip to Shipments to run off customs forms afterwards. Not a great workflow when Customs Forms (Commercial Invoices) are usually adding at label time, either in a document pouch or inside the shipment package.
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We use a 4"x6" format for shipping labels and RS labels but 8.5"x11" for the packing slip. When we complete an order and print the shipping labels, we can't automatically print the print the packing slip, too, because it comes from a different printer. I'd like to suggest ShipStation adds that as a capability.
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Some of my SKUs are longer than the 26 character limit in the "Label Messages" lines. Is there an option to have the overflow go to the next line?
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I know this has been posted before, but it needs to be posted again: Please let us generate pick lists with no order limits. Right now the maximum number of orders for which we can create pick lists is equal to the number of orders that can be displayed on a page (500). We regularly have many more orders than that, so we print two pick lists and then manually combine the two. It's very messy.
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Posting on recommendation of Shipstation Support - Requesting the ability to sort and print Packing Slips and Labels in Alphabetical Order to make the packing and shipping process more streamlined. For those of us who ship higher volumes, this would be so helpful when pairing pack slips with their corresponding products, boxes and labels. Thank you.
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Is it possible for different shippers on my account to have their own preference for label size? I switched to zebra printing but many of my drop shippers use full size paper and like to see the packing slip.
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We get hundreds or orders and have over 4000 products. Because we naturally pick the orders by product type NOT by order number or by last name we would love to print shipping labels in the actual order in which we CLICK them in the order page. Meaning, we have orders in boxes of 20 at a time ready to ship orders for: Tim Carr Sharon Morrison Brenda Rivers Amanda Zark Ryan Clark etc. We DON'T reorganize them into alphabetical order or order number. We want to have the labels print out in the order we click them. The inevitability come out in alphabetical order or some order that does not make sense. This takes us so much more time to find the correct package to put it on. Either way, wouldn’t it make sense that we all ask for this as a feature? It seems LOGICAL, this would make the ship/print/pack process so much better. We can't be the ONLY ONES doing it this way?!? Shipstation support suggested I put this in the support log to get it added as a feature. @labelprinting @Labels @logicalprinting @printintheorderwechoose
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I just spoke with ShipStation, and they informed me that is not currently possible to print the commercial invoice before shipping the order. A suggested workaround was to 'ship' the order, print the documents, and then cancel/void the shipment. Hopefully being able to print the document without buying a label first will be possible in the future! The customer service agent suggested I post here. Also, being able to download the commercial invoice as an excel file would be a major plus.
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Hi there, We moved from UPS to DHL as the former was having a Brexit nightmare with exports. DHL labels print, but a bit on the small side. I think they are designed to be printed at 4" x 8.5" rather than 4" x 6". It hasn't caused a problem yet but the addresses are pretty tiny after our (Zebra ZD420) printer scales it. Can you please add a 4" x 8.5" label size? Thanks.
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