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Currently, Shipstation does not offer a UPS End of Day scan sheet. Shipstation management seems to think (from their documentation) that an EOD (End of Day) scan is not needed for UPS, since Shipstation is sending the data anyway to UPS every day. This purpose of the EOD for UPS has nothing to do with pushing data to UPS. Proof for this if obvious, because UPS has their own free shipping software called World Ship. World Ship automatically pushes all shipment data to UPS when each shipment is created while developers of World Ship still understand the need to create an EOD each day for the driver to scan anyway. The reason that UPS themselves create a scannable pickup sheet for the end of day in their own software is so that there is "proof" that the packages have been picked up and in their possession. This is important for a few reasons: 1. It documents that the package was picked up giving the recipient comfort that their package is in transit. 2. It gives proof that a package was picked up in case it is lost or stolen in transit. Then the shipper can then prove that the fault lies in UPS's hands causing them to be responsible to pay a claim. 3. The scannable EOD page allows the UPS pickup driver to scan just 1 barcode instead of 50 or a100 separate cartons causing a waste of time to the driver. The lack of this EOD scan sheet causes to the shipper not to know whether the driver scanned every package while not having the time or the stamina to stand on top of the driver themselves to watch him scan every package. Nobody can run a business like this. Shipstation tells you that if you "really" want the driver to sign a manifest which is REQUIRED by any insurance claim, then you can go through the trouble to print out a list of your shipments and ask the driver to sign it. This is tedious and the drivers will not usually want to do this - it is not UPS's way of doing business and without an EOD sheet, they are not required to do so. It is a no brainer for Shipstation to make a scannable EOD to have it printed and scanned daily just like Shipstation makes one for USPS EOD. We have experienced our 3rd claim today in a year where a package was not scanned and now missing in transit. The unscanned packages then become vulnerable for theft with no accountability. There will be no recourse that we can take on this missing package today specifically because there was no EOD sheet that could have been scanned. Shipstation: PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, HAVE COMMON SENSE and DO SOMETHING TO KEEP YOUR CUSTOMERS SAFE. Businesses need to sign for things that they take in their possession as proof that they picked it up. It needs to be made easy. Make a scannable UPS EOD sheet to protect us from these issues.
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Here’s the deets I just submitted through the contact form. Hoping for a quicker answer here, or at the very least some kind of validation that I’m not the only one experiencing this. After being forced to upgrade to the new ShipStation Connect app, I’m unable to print from ShipStation. I can print test documents from MacOS Finder directly to the thermal printer, so I know it’s connected and working. In addition: ShipStation Connect is connected ✅ My OFFNOVA thermal printer is connected ✅ It shows up in MacOS as well as ShipStation > Printing > Connect > Devices > Printers ✅ So, ShipStation recognizes the printer just fine. HOWEVER — when I send ANY ShipStation order (from any Store) to this printer, ShipStation thinks that it successfully sends the data, however my printer does nothing. (See this gif: There is no error message. Thank you in advance,
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In printing setup, it would be awesome to have the option to set a printer and printer settings for a gift note, separate from the packing slip. This would allow you to have special gift note cards you can print onto.
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When I'm building bundles in ShipStation I always set it to NOT show the bundle on the packing slip so our shipping team knows what items to pull. When I do this, the individual component items are marked as $0.00 on the packing slip which causes confusion for our shipping team and customers. I'd love to see the retail price displayed for the bundle components on the packing slip so the order total and the price of all individual items on the packing slip is aligned.
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I know this topic has been brought up since 2013. But many users like us DO NEED picklist customization. And we are still waiting for shipstation for an update. Is it even on the dev's backlog now? Or maybe just give us the option to download the picklist as an Excel file so we can edit it ourselves. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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We use our ShipStation account for multiple dropship partners. Some of them require a specific label format. Currently we have to stop fulfilment, change the label format, print labels for those particular dropship orders, then continue with the rest of the fulfilment. It would be a nice feature to be able to select the label format for each store, either in the store settings, or by using automation rules.
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I am looking for a way to get number of orders a customer has placed with us to show up on the packing slip. This data already lives on shipstation as you can hover over the customers name under "recipient" and view that total orders info. This would be a valuable feature so we could instruct our packers to reward loyal customers with gifts/notes etc and they would be able to easily see that on the packing slip.
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The cost of setting up a new workstation continues increasing due to Windows license costs. Being able to use linux machines would be a lifesafer.
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We currently systematically print a return label when a return kit order type is sent to ShipStation and an outbound label is printed. When this option is selected, it does not provide the ability to modify the Return Label in any way. We would like to remove the ShipStation generated RMA # from the Return Label as it has no reference to our integrated ERP system Dynamics AX 2012 R3. Would like the same Document Options as the outbound Label has.
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Hi, The customs forms have stopped printing automatically with the label as per the end of March 2024. Manually printing out the forms is not practical for high volume shipments. Please can this feature be reintroduced.
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Some customers require parcels and pallets to be labeled with GS1-128 (UCC-128) logistics labels. It would be helpful if ShipStation could produce these labels. Specifications can be found here.
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The layout hasn't changed in 8 years. c'mon Shipstation. The "options" we're given for packing slips is archaic. I will ask for the bare minimum and just want to choose different columns.
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I would like to be able to customize my Commercial Invoice (Other Forms) similarly to how most of the other documents have customizable options. I use ShipStation Connect to print all of my documents because it is very convenient. Currently every time I print a Commercial Invoice it also prints a mostly blank page with a border that just says "Electronically Submitted" which is promptly discarded. It would be nice to select black and white printing. It would also be nice to choose to print multiple pages at a time as DHL requires 3 copies of each commercial invoice.
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We have multiple teams picking orders using Packing Slips. It would be beneficial it we were possible to have the date and time that the packing slip was printed printed on the packing slip. This way, it would help Pickers prioritize order based on the age of the order. Alternate Field Replacement Suggestions that would help solve this problem. -Age of order -Date and time packing slip was printed
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Hello ShipStation Community, I'm writing to propose a feature that I believe would greatly benefit many users in this forum and improve overall efficiency. In our ecommerce business, we've noticed that when a customer orders multiple quantities of a single product, the packing slip only reflects a single line item with the total quantity. For instance, if a customer orders 3 units of Product XYZ, the packing slip shows 1 line with a quantity of 3. This method can lead to confusion and errors at our fulfillment center, where each item is handled individually. We need each quantity to be represented as an individual line item on the packing slip, i.e., if 3 units of Product XYZ are ordered, the packing slip should reflect 3 individual lines each with a quantity of 1. Interestingly, I've observed that the "Picking List" already includes an option that behaves this way - a feature that does not summarize items. However, this feature is currently not available for packing slip configuration or customization. Implementing this feature on packing slips will streamline our packing process, reduce errors, and most likely will benefit other businesses as well that have similar requirements. By introducing this feature, you would be addressing a significant challenge for many ecommerce businesses. This small change could greatly improve the efficiency of order fulfillment processes, especially for businesses that handle a large volume of orders or sell items in bulk. I invite other members of the ShipStation Community who face similar issues or see the potential value in this proposed feature to chime in and share your thoughts. The more voices and perspectives we gather, the better chance we have of seeing this important feature implemented. Thank you for considering this feature request. I believe this change will greatly enhance ShipStation's utility and effectiveness for many businesses, including ours. Best regards, Jacob
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Please can the developers of Shipstation Connect allow it to start minimised. Every time I restart my computer it loads in the centre of the screen. This is really not necessary, and should be one of the options to allow it start minimised. Please can this be considered as a feature request for future editions?
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Yesterday we have been using the redesigned ShipStation and have a need to print a UPS control log and that function appears to have been eliminated with the new design. Previously, we would click on "print" from the order summary and then select "Other" or it may have said "Other Documents" and it would generate a UPS Control Log for us to print. We've searched the new layout and cannot find where to do this. Support case open since Yesterday. Has anyone found a way to print UPS control logs for high value shipments?
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Currently, ShipStation doesn't offer auto-printing of labels after they are generated via the API. I think they should offer a way to interact with ShipStation Connect without getting logged into ShipStation every time to print the labels generated via API.
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I'd like to be able to add broker information to the Fedex Custom's form. The section exists for broker info in the pdf you can download from Shipstation on international orders, but there's nowhere to add it through ShipStation. Instead you have to download, then add manually each time.
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It would be great if order details including customer info, item details and WH location were all available as fields in the pick list to streamline the picking process.
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