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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Under Review
We need an end of day report for UPS that is scannable. Having only the electronic transmission is keeping the customer from tracking packages as the distribution center doesn't always get the scans when the packages go through the site. Plus the electronic transmission doesn't capture when the packages leave our dock.
First-timer (legacy)
ShipStation, please add this feature. For all the reasons mentioned in these comments, especially proof of pickup. We've had issues with packages being lost between our shop and the distribution center with no proof that we actually handed the package over.
First-timer (legacy)
read the title... and I talked to a David C. on your chat
We agree! We definitely need an end of day for UPS. Many times the driver picks up our packages and they never get scanned into the system. UPS won't even start a claim. It's very annoying. We started requiring our driver to scan every package. He's not happy but it's the only way to get the package 100% into UPS system. So if it does go missing we can start a claim.
New Contributor
And here is why it's important for us: The UPS Driver doesn't normally scan packages. They get scanned when unloaded off of the truck. In the pre-Christmas crunch, our driver arrived back at the USP location late. They skipped the scans that they do when they unload the truck. Packages were scanned the next day at a distribution hub an hour away. Anybody selling on Amazon and doing Seller Fulfilled Prime knows how important that "First Scan" is. Amazon doesn't care when you create the UPS label. They only consider it shipped on the day that UPS does it's first actual scan. All of my UPS packages for that day were marked as "shipping defects" in Amazon terms. Our late shipment rate exceeded what is allowable. We lost our Seller Fulfilled Prime privileges for going on two weeks now. Eventually we convinced the Amazon seller performance team that UPS skipped the scan on the day of shipping (in favor of getting the packages forwarded to their destination faster). However, before they will reinstate my SFP, they want this: > > Could you elaborate on what measures you've put in place with UPS > to avoid the reoccurrence of this issue? > I can't put any measures in place that I'm aware of if UPS isn't going to scan the packages when they are supposed to. The one measure I could probably put in place is to use WorldShip instead of ShipStation, but I'm not about to do that. Not having SFP has really cut into our revenues over the past two weeks. Being able to print the EOD form and asking my driver to just scan that for the sake of our Amazon seller account would be a very helpful solution if it was possible.
New Contributor
If I could print and end-of-day to hand to my UPS driver, it would alleviate the painful problem that we're going through now of having Amazon suspend privileges that help us sell more. We're losing a lot of money right now, and a scan form might have saved us about $8000 in lost sales. Amazon requires a "first scan" to occur on the day that you ship the items. UPS usually does this when they unload the trucks at the local distribution center when they return from the day's deliveries and pickups. But sometimes they mess up and don't scan the packages, and the first scan doesn't happen until the next hop, typically the early morning of the next day. Amazon sees that as the "official" date that the packages shipped, and they count it late. If you go over the threshold, they will suspend your seller-fulfilled prime (SFP) and make you beg for it back. Two weeks and we're still begging to get our privileges back.
New Contributor
Yes, Please?
First-timer (legacy)
We need a scannable end of day report for UPS. It may be the breaker for us to look at other options.
First-timer (legacy)
Please give us the option to print UPS end of the day forms.
Occasional Contributor
Please note without an End of Day that is scanned by UPS, and with Covd-19 changes in that UPS drivers do not scan the packages at pickup, you as the shipper are 100% liable if a package goes missing between your dock and the UPS terminal. You have no proof of pickup, and therefore no insurance protection in case of loss. Shipstation knows about these issues and continues to do nothing.
First-timer (legacy)
100% agreed. Wake up shipstation!