11-18-2020 03:34 PM
Original post by user Mark Foreman
Unfortunately the feed from my Ebay store is giving shipstation a zero figure for Tax/VAT so the only way around this is to add in some html for the packing slip, any help would be appreciated?
I need to show [Amount Paid] divided by 1.2, this would then give us the correct figure of 20% Tax/VAT included in the price the customer paid.
11-18-2020 03:35 PM
Original reply from user Pierre Gagnon - Logistics
Hey there Mark Foreman
Unfortunately, what you are trying to do requires the use of Javascript. HTML is a markup language, not a scripting language, therefore you will not be able to achieve this in the Packing Slip editor.
Please see the section titled "- Notes about the Packing Slip Editor" on this help page https://help.shipstation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026157931-Packing-Slips
"The Packing Slip editor does not support Javascript, or any other scripting. If you need to show or hide certain content based on specific criteria, we recommend creating multiple packing slip templates and using Automation Rules to assign the templates to orders based on that criteria."
I have yet to find a workaround.. I have looked into the Automation Rules but there's really no way to do calculations in there either.
01-07-2021 07:50 AM
You can achieve this by changing the data on shipstation through API calls, you can do your customized calculations and add any data you wish to an order in your script.