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Automation rule for optional services


Our customers are able to select an option to add insurance to their shipment and/or add a "rush fee" to have the order processed same day.  They import ShipStation orders like this;


I tried to set up an automation rule using the text that is where the item name would typically be but since these are not actually items, the rules are not working. 


Any thoughts on what criteria I can use?  For the insurance, I want to automate the insurance.  For the rush fee, I want to add an internal note and a tag.


Thank you


Howdy @heathert73


Thanks for posting about this issue you have been trying to navigate! I am thrilled you are turning to the community for answers! 


While I know that I don't have a full understanding of your workflow, I did want to offer a possible alternate solution! Could you potentially change those two line items (USPS Insurance and Rush respectively) into their own SKUs entirely? If they had their own SKU and could be treated as its own product, we could tag them individually and have the rules run based on their tag from the product instead of the item name! 


I hope this helps 🙂 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!